
No Charges Filed Against Lions' Jameson Williams. Decision Had Nothing to Do With Who he Was, Prosecutor Says.

November 26, 2024, 8:14 AM by  Allan Lengel

Jameson Williams on Wednesday

“We have looked at this case thoroughly and objectively," said Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy in a statement. "We did not consider that Mr. Williams is a Detroit professional athlete in our decision making. We have charged Detroit area athletes before and would not have hesitated to do so again if the facts of this case could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt."

She said it came down to the law being unclear in this circumstance.

On October 8, shortly after 1 a.m., two Detroit police officers in a fully marked scout car pulled over a black sedan with a partially obscured license plate that was speeding. Jameson Williams, 23, was in the passenger seat. His brother was driving.

When the officer approached, the brother told him that there were two weapons in the car and provided the officer with his concealed pistol license (CPL). The second gun, registered to Jameson Wiliiams, was on the passenger floorboard.

While the gun was legally registered to Jameson Williams, he was placed under arrest for not having CPL to carry the gun. He was later released at the scene after a police supervisor arrived. His brother was issued a traffic citation. 

Worthy's office in a press release said the law did not clarify if a person with a CPL can cover other weapons in the car.

"Because the case law is silent regarding the specific issue, and the legislative intent of the CPL statute does not support charges under these facts, no charges will issue in this matter, and the warrant is denied," Worthy said.

"If Mr. Williams had the gun on his person, he would have been charged," she said.


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